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I spent about 7 years in the infantry, 5.5 years with the 82nd Airborne Division, and 27 months in Afghanistan. ...
We need to get prepared to sprint until the next crisis and potential shutdown that is just around the corner. In ...
As we look at the headlines (“Government reopens,” “Ok. Back to Work,” “Striking a D.C. Deal,” “Backing away from ...
The most important goal of capture is to stack the deck in your favor. For now, forget about proving you are the ...
Engaging the Government customer boils down to four key tasks: building relationships, collecting information, ...
The interesting thing about fighter pilots is that only ten percent of the top one percent of all pilots get to ...
The best of the best of Government contractors shape the requirements in the RFP to raise their win probability. ...
As a proposal manager, you know the state of your proposal document better than anyone else.
Traditional proposal management employs a color review process. This series of articles will explore how the ...
Proposal planning begins prior to the kickoff, with the development of an outline. You have two options when ...
I have to fess up, these days I've been embracing bad behavior in the midst of working long hours to keep the fun ...
Every business needs a pipeline, which is essentially a list of all the opportunities you are chasing, with their ...
Skydiving was never on my bucket list. My reaction to my friends proudly handing me a gift certificate surprised ...
Government contractors who know how to play the game pay a lot of attention to pre-proposal preparation work and ...
If the trickiest part of proposals was the process of preparing a compliant document with text and multiple ...
Proposal management has made great strides as a profession in the last decade. It is easy to forget the laments we ...
Customer engagement is the cornerstone of capture, and yet many Government contractors miss out on building ...
Picasso’s famous quote, “Good artists copy; great artists steal,” might as well have been about proposal art. ...