Capture: The Skills You Need to Win More Contracts

Capture: The Skills You Need to Win More Contracts

By the time a solicitation is issued, the customer has likely set eyes on a favorite bidder. Business development pros know that without capture planning — which positions your company to be that favored bidder — winning the opportunity is a huge gamble. Going in...
MQS2-NG $43 Billion Contract – Deadline Extended

MQS2-NG $43 Billion Contract – Deadline Extended

The Defense Health Agency (DHA) has extended the deadline to submit proposals for its multiple-award medical services contract valued at more than $43 billion: Medical Q-Coded Support & Services – Next Generation (MQS2-NG). Proposals are now due March 31, 2023....
Improve Your Win Rate in 2023

Improve Your Win Rate in 2023

Organizations that are target-smart, on point with their decision-making, and efficient with their capture process from start to finish are winning Government contracts. Plain and simple, the GovCon firms that excel at maintaining structured business development...
Deadline Extended: State Department’s Evolve Now Due Jan. 25

Deadline Extended: State Department’s Evolve Now Due Jan. 25

The Department of State (DOS) has extended the deadline and issued an amendment to its $10-Billion IT-based Evolve contract. Proposals are now due January 25, 2023. Bidders will no longer have to submit pricing for the sample task order, as pricing for the sample task...