Build and Manage a Robust Government Opportunities Pipeline

Build and Manage a Robust Government Opportunities Pipeline

Waiting for RFPs to drop might be commonplace in our industry, but it’s no way to grow a federal contracting business. In our previous blog post, The 3 Biggest Mistakes in the Federal Business Development Process, we emphasize the need to develop team discipline and...
Important COVID-19 Measure Updates for Government Contractors

Important COVID-19 Measure Updates for Government Contractors

As promised, here are additional resources to support you as the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve. OST is a member of the GCN Council which is dedicated to advocacy for Government contractors. Please, read this post to the end as we are providing important...
Information for Government Contractors Affected by COVID-19

Information for Government Contractors Affected by COVID-19

Here are some important updates on help available for Government contractors. Applying for All Possible SBA Loans Hopefully, your company has already applied for all the loans and grants available to date, not only on the federal but state and county levels. In case...
New Information for Government Contractors on Relief Measures

New Information for Government Contractors on Relief Measures

We at OST are committed to providing the latest news and developments to help you as a Government contractor to weather the pandemic. Here is some useful information. The Senate passed H.R. 748 last night – the third bipartisan COVID-19 relief bill. The House is...
Government Contractor Guidance Regarding the Pandemic

Government Contractor Guidance Regarding the Pandemic

Things change every day and sometimes by the hour with the growing pandemic. Government contractors’ lives have been upended and we are all worried about the future. At OST, we are working hard to help our clients stay cash positive and advocate for all Government...
Should We Outsource Federal Proposal Writing? Answer: Yes and No!

Should We Outsource Federal Proposal Writing? Answer: Yes and No!

Perhaps the most common complaint of proposal teams – besides never having enough time – is limited availability of talent. Business development managers and program leads must make crucial and often last-minute decisions about how to staff the effort. But...