Proposal Basics: Tips for Interviewing Subject Matter Experts

Proposal Basics: Tips for Interviewing Subject Matter Experts

Subject matter expert (SME) interviews are a critical component of the proposal writing process that every proposal team member should master. Unlike traditional research, interviewing is a social process that some people find incredibly intimidating. If you’re not a...

Seven Deadly Proposal Sins, Part 6: Lust

In our series covering the Seven Deadly Proposal Sins, we have discussed the first five: Pride, Gluttony, Greed, Envy, and Sloth. These articles cover the common mistakes we come across throughout our work as business development consultants. Committing one or more of...

Seven Deadly Proposal Sins, Part 7: Wrath

In our series covering the Seven Deadly Proposal Sins we have discussed the first six: Pride, Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Sloth and Lust. These articles cover the common mistakes we come across throughout our work as business development consultants. Committing one or more...

Six Strategies to Grow Your Business with the Treasury

Olessia Smotrova-Taylor, OST’s President and Chief Executive Officer, presented “Six Strategies to Grow Your Business with the Treasury” as a speaker at the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Small Business Outreach in May. More than a hundred of businesses, Government...