Are you prepared to do what it takes to not only win a Task Order or two, but to become a number one contractor on each IDIQ you hold? Would you like to get all the business that you possibly could, to dominate the competition, regardless of whether you are a sub or a prime?
As promised two weeks ago, here is my report on my presentation at the APMP Conference panel where I spoke alongside Steve Shipley (the founder of Shipley and the proposal profession), Steve Myers (the creator of SM&A who also says he was the actual founder of the profession), and three other colleagues.
I am getting ready to travel to Denver, Colorado to the APMP International Conference. I feel honored to have been invited to speak at a panel alongside the proposal industry legends: Steve Shipley, Steve Myers, and Tom Sant. The panel is titled “Proposal Pioneers and Today’s Warriors.” We will discuss some trends and make (educated) guesses on how the proposal industry is going change in the future.
I will never forget my first bylined article in the Financial Times of London. It was back when Kathy Lee Gifford was in trouble as her clothing line for Wal-Mart was accused of violating the child labor laws in Honduras…
This 2-day class offers everything you need to know about preparing and winning multiple award contracts (IDIQ, GWAC, MAC, MAS, BPA, and others) and the task order proposals that follow.