10 Tips for Winning Fast-Turnaround Proposals

Happy Halloween, everyone! It is sunny and chilly here in DC, and I am sneaking a minute to make a quick blog post during my short break during a gold team review. I have written a new article that you may find helpful in these uncertain economic times, that will also...

Making it through the proposal season

Ah, back to the intense proposal season, when I am starting at 5 am and not done until midnight. There is always just too much to do, no matter how large is the team, and how well I delegate. Fast turn-around, page-limited proposals are quite a trend these days as...

Business Developers How Are Your Time Management Skills?

Like many type-As that are drawn to the business development professional, I have been feeling frustrated at the end of the day because I chronically didn’t get enough done. I studied at least five different time management techniques before and dabbled in all...