

Train Your Employees through our Business Development Apprenticeship

To help eliminate skills and knowledge gaps in BD, Capture, and Proposals for yourself or your organization, we have created a comprehensive Apprenticeship program officially approved and registered by the U.S. Department of Labor. Any employer in the United States can send personnel to our Bid & Proposal Academy that involves 250 hours of virtual instruction combined with on-the-job learning. The Apprenticeship Certificate is recognized nationwide.



Solve the BD, Capture, and Proposal Skill Gap Problems

Having a well-rounded, cross-trained Business Development team is essential to achieving success in the Federal Government market. Competent BD, capture, and proposal personnel, however, are tough to find, attract, and retain.

Even those proposal professionals you end up hiring at a premium have uneven professional skillsets. Their skill gaps result from learning unsystematically on the job and some sporadic and dated training. More than 95% of business developers didn’t go to college to learn their profession. Even having served in the government doesn’t qualify one to become a business developer – it is helpful but is only a start. Most people ended up in BD by chance and picked the profession up along the way the best they could.

Having a poorly qualified workforce tasked with federal BD leads to hefty compensation outlays with little results. Worse yet, it leads to potential missed opportunities or costly mistakes that may amount to tens of millions of dollars lost that your company otherwise would have won.