The Secret to Winning More Government Contracts: Capture

The Secret to Winning More Government Contracts: Capture

Government contractors who win the most pay a lot of attention to pre-proposal preparation and other activities aimed at raising win probability. This pre-proposal work is generally called capture.  goal of capture is to gain a competitive advantage before an RFP is...
Writing Persuasive Government Proposals | November 15th & 16th

Writing Persuasive Government Proposals | November 15th & 16th

Go beyond mere compliance and learn to write compelling proposal content in half the time it typically takes. This course covers compliance but focuses on how to incorporate the correct writing process and persuasive writing in the proposal. This training covers...
Are You at Risk of Losing Your Contract?

Are You at Risk of Losing Your Contract?

The cardinal sin of any Government contractor is to lose the bread-and-butter contract that they rely on as a major revenue stream. This is a job they should know inside out. They have likely bonded with the customer and can recite the customer’s challenges and hot...