Don’t Guess on Your Price

Don’t Guess on Your Price

Evaluators choose a proposal based on two things: your written proposal and your price. In order to find the best price for your proposal, you need to understand how to perform bid opportunity-specific competitive analysis. Black Hat and Price to Win (PTW) analyses...
Foundations of Proposal Management

Foundations of Proposal Management

A Proposal Manager is the single point of accountability for delivering a compliant and compelling proposal on time and on budget. It’s your job as the proposal manager to make sure your team is working well together, producing high-quality content, and meeting the...
Proposal Editing Workshop

Proposal Editing Workshop

This class teaches how to edit Government proposals while working with a proposal team. Not another English grammar class, this course teaches proposal-specific professional editing skills to improve your proposals’ Pwin.

How Do You Build Great Win Themes and a Win Strategy?

How Do You Build Great Win Themes and a Win Strategy?

Win Themes are pithy, memorable phrases in a proposal that tell the Government customer exactly why they should choose you — not your competitors — for a contract. Win Themes explain the benefits you can bring the customer through your solution, and they’re supported...