GSA’s Polaris Contract Amendments – Your Guide to Success

GSA’s Polaris Contract Amendments – Your Guide to Success

The General Services Administration (GSA) has announced plans to issue an amendment to the Polaris GWAC Small Business Pool offerors in August 2023. This amendment will incorporate the submission of a price proposal and adjustments to the evaluation requirements...
Update to Latest Polaris Solicitations

Update to Latest Polaris Solicitations

The General Services Administration (GSA) said bidders must notify the agency by this Friday, October 7, 2022, if they are experiencing delays using that could affect their ability to submit their proposals in two of the competition pools for Polaris, an IT...
GSA Offers Industry Training on its Polaris Submission Portal

GSA Offers Industry Training on its Polaris Submission Portal

The General Services Administration (GSA) will hold a training session this Friday to help bidders understand how to use the Polaris Submission Portal (PSP), the interface bidders must use to submit questions to the Government and their final Polaris proposal. Polaris is an IT Services Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) with no contract ceiling, and there are four competition pools in which bidders can compete.